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Fulton Mayor James Rice has designated May 1-7 as Youth Week in the city. Fulton Elks Lodge #830 is having a May Day celebration at the lodge on Pierce Drive on May 4 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. There will be bounce houses, pony rides, face painting and many more activities for youths including a free bike raffle for grades K-6. Two bikes will be given away for each grade — one girl and one boy. Registration for the raffle will be at the event. There will be crafters, food, and music from a local DJ as well as fire and police vehicles. The community is encouraged to attend and join the Fulton Elks Lodge in celebrating our youths. Pictured with the Youth Week proclamation are Mayor Rice and Esteemed Leading Knight and chair of the May Day event Brenda Rice from Fulton Elks Lodge #830.

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